Active vs Passive Stretching
Many of you have asked me about the benefits of stretching. As I went through the MAT internship I learned more about what actually happens to the muscles as you do passive stretching as most people do. Passive stretching is when you force the muscle into position without using the muscle to actually get itself into position. This type of stretching typically shuts down the muscle. Another way to stretch is active stretching (my preference). Meaning you are moving the muscles into position yourself without an applied force.
Does this all seem foreign to you? If so, you're not alone. I found this video that is a must see for anyone who stretches. The video explains activation of the muscle with the typical quadricep stretch. They use the rectus femoris which is one of your quadricep muscles as an example. Check it out! | EMG on Rectus Femoris after Muscle Activation Techniques applied